Stony Radio

I have been very lucky to get a spot on Stony Radio every Tuesday from 11am to noon. It's a recorded show at the moment with members of the Phoenix Rising MK Media group. These are great individuals with some special talents as well as some barriers to progress like autism or some disability.

I plan the shows and choose most of the tracks to play. I have no idea how many people actually listen but the station has been going for many years and has a good-sized local following and, of course, we encourage our own friends, family and all at Phoenix to tune in whenever they can.

If you miss any shows or just want to hear some bits then they're available at this link and all the tracks I've played can be seen at this link. So if you want to hear a particular oldie, track it down and listen to the show. Or send in a request. The number for SMS messages is 07391 878870 during a live show or just email me for mentions in either live or recorded shows.

To listen live use this link.

To see more about the fabulous work of my colleagues at Phoenix Rising:MK visit their website here.