Web tools

Free resources on the web for teachers and students

This catalogue of interesting web tools and free software is a development of a site used to entertain and inspire visitors to an e-learning fair in early July 2006. We're now in the seventh version and include, at last, examples of how to use many of the applications in action. We need your feedback, though, and you can either just e-mail us or why not try using some of the tools?

We welcome suggestions for additions and no doubt some entries may turn out to be inappropriate or just not very good - so regard this as a place to pop into from time to time rather than a definitive guide.

3 Tags And It Is | Now

This is quite an old video but it does show very nicely how things have changed and, indeed, still are changing.

When Tim Rawe and I first put this together no-one had heard of Twitter or Facebook. Google was just one of many search engines people used and only geeky people had web sites.

Teachers would do huge piles of photocopying before class and some would even use cases on wheels or those granny shopping basket affairs to carry stuff around.

E-mail only arrived on your computer in Outlook and lots of people printed messages out to read or even file away. Word attachments were everywhere and only the very brave tried to put a video in a presentation. Even then they just got a black rectangle.

Ah, those were the days . . .