
I think that if I'd had more spare time or not had much luck in other careers I might well have tried my hand at acting. I would love to have been a DJ too.

I can still imagine myself writing to agencies offering to do voiceovers or reading stories if income gets really tight!

I had a couple of entertaining and most enjoyable ventures on a real stage. The first was in 1990 when I played the lead in No Sex, Please - We're British! and I am sure I can still remember some of the lines 20 years later. The local theatre group was managed by a lady who had some involvement with EastEnders and certainly knew what she was doing. There was a VHS tape version of the show, which ran for a week for charity, but I've never been able to get my hands on a copy. I will one day.

I felt totally at home in the role and, by the 5th day, was able to cope with things that might have ruined the whole thing like door knobs coming off and others forgetting their lines. A brilliant time.

About 10 years later I had another chance to shine when a Sri Lankan friend, Tissa Madawela, was asked to film a teledrama set in London and Sri Lanka which needed an Englishman for what was originally quite a small role. I auditioned and got the part and, as the filming progressed the director changed the storyline as we went to give me lots of extra bits and I finished up doing lots!

The teledrama, Mona Lisa, was eventually shown in Sri Lanka as a series and although I cringe at some of the terrible acting and awful script it was good fun and I'd do it again any time.

At the time, I made a pretty sad by today's standards web site for the film using bits and pieces I managed to take when watching a preview on a TV. I am trying to track down a DVD of the series itself. Again, one day I shall see it all as it was released and laugh and cringe again.