This is where you can find out a bit more about what I do, my interests and background. I have had a web site since about 1998 when Line One here in the UK offered us a bit of free space and was the url. It goes nowhere now, though, unfortunately. After that I got and domains and more recently this one, which I shall make the main. The others will stay as they cost very little each year and it would be a huge task to transfer all that they hold. So you may well find some of the links here take you on a journey back through all three domains where I have forgotten to update them!

I used to do lots of web design and taught it for many years but now the requirements to have pages that re-shape themselves for whatever device you are using makes coding way beyond my abilities so I use Google Sites which are cool, simple and do all I need nowadays.

Here you'll find music, old cars and lots of photos, nearly of which are mine (or have been in the case of the cars!) and books I write, films and TV series I wish I had written and all sorts of other stuff. Some links, as I said, may be ancient. I will try and remove dead ones as I check through the pages.

See the latest additions: I have quite a lot of vinyl records to get rid of. See what's available here. I am also now helping to present a fortnightly show on Stony Radio for Phoenix Rising:MK. This is great fun and you can listen to the shows and see what's been played. More about that here.